Better Scala builds with the Mill build tool

This talk will introduce Mill: a newer build tool that does everything SBT does, but better. Faster, simpler, easier, Mill democratizes the build so you don't need to be a build tool expert to work on it.

Haoyi Li
Software Engineer, Author of Hands-on Scala Programming
About This Talk

SBT is one of the oldest parts of the Scala ecosystem. Very powerful, but also very complicated and difficult to understand and maintain. This talk will introduce Mill: a newer build tool that does everything SBT does, but better. Faster, simpler, easier, Mill democratizes the build so you don't need to be a build tool expert to work on it. From "hello world" build pipelines to massive real-world projects, this talk will explore the ways in which Mill makes build tooling *easy*, solving one of the longest standing pain points in the Scala community.

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