Jamie Thompson

About me

Contributor to Scala 2 and 3 compilers, and open source libraries such as TASTy Query. A fan of macros and metaprogramming to create better API's. Also contributed to tooling such as improving IDE experience, Mill Scala 3 migration, and getting the new Scala command shipped.

Jamie Thompson

Speaker's events

Day 2
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Going structural with Named Tuples

Scala 3.6 stabilises the Named Tuples proposal in the main language. It gives us new syntax for structural types and values, and tools for programmatic manipulation of structural types without macros. Can we, and should we, push it to the limit? Of course! let's explore DSL's for config, data, and scripting, for a more dynamic feel.

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The inventor of the Scala language, a professor at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, and a founder of Lightbend

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Piotr Zawiła-Niedźwiecki

Senior AI Engineer - Procter & Gamble

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Adam Warski

Software Engineer, CR&DO @ SoftwareMill, Scala/functional programmer, blogger

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Software engineer at SiriusXM where I build developer tooling

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Voytek Pituła

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